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·POSITION:NewsCompany Activities → Stick to the bottom line of safety Build a solid foundation for safety

Stick to the bottom line of safety Build a solid foundation for safety
Date:2024/1/31 9:32:45  View:  【 Font Size:Big Medium Small 】  【CLOSE

2024 Safety and Environmental Protection Production Mobilization Conference and Annual Goal Responsibility Certificate Signing Ceremony

On January 27th, BlueSky organized the 2024 annual safety and environmental protection production mobilization Conference and annual Goal Responsibility Certificate signing ceremony to report the responsibilities of all safety and environmental protection personnel.

The meeting summarized the key work on safety and environmental protection in 2023, commended the safety team and outstanding employees in 2023, signed a certificate of responsibility for the safety and environmental protection goals in 2024, and all employees took an oath of safety commitment; and deployed key tasks on safety and environmental protection in 2024.

Feng Qiong Hua, the principal of BlueSky, made a concluding speech and emphasized that in 2023, under the leadership of the Party and the government, BlueSky coordinated development and safety, and personnel at all levels fully carried the main responsibility of the enterprise, resolutely implemented the full safety and environmental protection responsibility system, and resolutely guarded the bottom line of safety and environmental protection.

 2024 is the 25th anniversary of the founding of BlueSky, a critical period for BlueSky to climb uphill and overcome difficulties, and It is crucial to "ensure safety, stabilize growth, and promote improvement".

Stick to the bottom line of safety  Build a solid foundation for safety

The meeting requested that safety is the bottom line, the lifeline, and the premise of all work. We must firmly establish the concept of "safety can be managed well", continue to use and practice the"12345" safety management method, standardize the 20 elements of chemical process safety management, using systems thinking, implementing closed-loop management of each link, making the essential safer.

The meeting emphasized that at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the heads of various departments should stay in a tight state at all times and plan all safety production work before, during and after the holidays. Strictly implement plans such as the "100-day Battle" and the "Special Action to Take Immediate Action to Highlight Key Points and Resolutely Contain Major Accidents", learn lessons from major chemical accidents in many places, focus on accident-prone links such as special operations, start-up and shutdown, and changes, and resolutely prevent and resolve Various security risks.

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Prev:BLUESKY conducted a joint safety and environmental inspection with the premise of compliance and escort for production.
Next:Future is promising, Bluesky will meet you in 2024 Exhibitions





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